Magnesium for Muscle Relaxation

Magnesium is a mineral that naturally occurs in the body. It plays an important role in muscle functions, the nervous system, energy production, bone health, and much more. Health conditions and dietary habits can sometimes cause magnesium deficiencies which can in turn have an impact on the aforementioned physiological processes.  Changes to diet can assist in aiding deficiencies but there are other reasons  why someone may choose to take supplements such as for taking magnesium for muscle relaxation, stress and sleep report or migraine prevention.


Using magnesium for muscle relaxation will be the focus of this article, though if you want a deeper dive on the many benefits of magnesium, reach out and let us know! Or if you’re looking to try out magnesium supplementation, we can hook you up with an at-home magnesium IV. Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Bottle of magnesium for muscle relaxation on the right with decorative green leaves on the left.

Table of Contents

How does magnesium for muscle relaxation work?

To understand how magnesium for muscle relaxation works, it is important to understand how muscle contraction and relaxation works. 


In order for a muscle to contract, there must be sufficient calcium ions as well as a balance of calcium and magnesium ions. When a nerve signal triggers a muscle to contract, the calcium ions enter the muscle cells and allow for the muscle to contract. Magnesium does the opposite.


Magnesium counteracts the effect of calcium and relaxes the muscle. When a muscle starts to tighten, calcium ions enter the muscle and bind to proteins. From there, the body takes a few more steps to breakdown energy. 


When it is time for the muscle to relax, magnesium counters the effects of calcium and begins to compete with the calcium to bind with the muscle cell proteins. It also works to transport the calcium out of the muscle cell, allowing it to relax. This makes magnesium the perfect solution to muscle recovery after a long workout or race.

What Causes Muscle Tension?

Why use magnesium for muscle relaxation in the first place? Muscle tension can come from a variety of factors.

After a workout or a long race where muscles are consistently used, they can get quite tense when the usage slows. This kind of strain is also what allows for muscle growth. Muscle growth happens most effectively when there is a rest period between all the exercise, something magnesium is great for.


Stress, anxiety, poor posture, and frequent strain can also cause muscles to contract and stay tight. When the body responds to stress and anxiety, it naturally enters a flight or fight mode causing muscles to contract in preparation for some type of action. If nothing is done to relieve the stress and anxiety, this can lead to prolonged muscle tension.


Poor posture, frequent strain, and even physical inactivity can also contribute to muscle tension. Muscles that are continually strained tend to stay tense. Using magnesium for muscle relaxation in these situations is highly recommended. Not only can it help your tense muscles, it can help your body get better sleep as it is naturally more relaxed with magnesium supplementation.

How does magnesium help with stress?

Many people think of stress as a mental thing, or something that they feel; however the body does have a physiological reaction to stress often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. This response can include:

  • Release of stress hormones
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Pupil dilation
  • Increased heart rate and breathing
  • Muscle tension
  • Enhanced blood sugar levels
  • Suppression of immune function

Magnesium supplementation plays a significant role in modulating the body’s response to stress. It helps relax tense muscles which will provide a noticeable difference. It also regulates stress hormones which can cause a more balanced stress response. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system, one benefit magnesium is widely known for.

How to Get Magnesium for Muscle Relaxation

There are lots of options for getting magnesium supplementation. Here are just a few:

  1. Oral supplement – You can find magnesium supplements wherever you get vitamin supplements. As a tablet or a pill, the body is not able to absorb 100% of the supplement, however this method can be affordable and is fairly accessible.
  2. Magnesium IV therapy – Lots of IV therapy providers and packages will include magnesium. Because magnesium is so great for managing stress and helping with anxiety, you can often find this in a mood boosting IV therapy package.
  3. Change your diet – Changing up your diet to include more food that include magnesium is a natural way of getting more of it. These foods include pumpkin seeds, fish, bananas, avocados, dairy products, and vegetables.


Fruits and foods high in antioxidants. This image shows blueberries, bananas, and strawberries close up

How does magnesium help with anxiety

Magnesium plays a role in anxiety regulation by modulating the activity of neurotransmitters, which has calming effects and helps to regulate stress hormone release. Magnesium’s muscle relaxant properties also contribute to overall relaxation, potentially alleviating physical symptoms associated with anxiety. However, individual responses to magnesium supplementation can vary, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making dietary changes.


Best magnesium for muscle relaxation

Among various magnesium supplements, magnesium glycinate is often considered effective for muscle relaxation. It has high bioavailability and is less likely to cause gastrointestinal side effects. Magnesium citrate is another option with good absorption rates, while magnesium oxide has lower bioavailability. Choosing the best form may depend on individual preferences, tolerances, and the specific benefits sought.

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Drip Admin

Drip Admin has written several informative articles and guides on the benefits of IV therapy, emphasizing the science behind the practice. Our writing style is engaging, concise, and accessible, making complex medical concepts easily understandable for readers.

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